The whole gang

The whole gang

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gratitude Attitude

The other day I read the greatest Thanksgiving day poem I've ever read. It was deep, yet simple, showing gratitude for large and small blessings, bringing to mind pleasures and joys we sometimes overlook or take forgranted. I would copy it and put it right here on my blog, but without the authors permission I could get in to trouble (even if I do know him personally) Actually it's our nephew, Clark. What an awesome guy; rough and rugged on the outside, but has this poetic side we didn't know about!
It has really made me think about what I'm grateful for; hot water in the shower, baby smiles (isn't it cool that you don't have to teach them that, they just do it!) flowers, music, the people in my life, laughing, etc., etc., etc. I wonder what this coming year will bring, and I want to remember that no matter how things change (and yes, change IS coming - Obama promised!) that there are ALWAYS THINGS TO BE GRATEFUL FOR! What will we not have next year at this time that we have this year? Will it be harder to thank HIM then? I for one will try. I hope everyone in this nation/world will. It changes your everything to have that attitude of gratitude. Thanks be to the ONE we are eternally indebted to!

1 comment:

Jen Olson Brown said...

Well said. Thank you for your words! And though change is inevitable regardless of who is in the white house, I am reminded of the scripture Mama and Papa Brown had on their front porch: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. :-)